The Project

Project Location

The Proposed Development consists of a 25 MW AC solar farm to be located within an area of approximately 60 ha (the Site), approximately 2 km east of the town of Tenterfield, within the Tenterfield Shire Local Government Area (LGA).

The Tenterfield Solar Farm will consist of infrastructure such as solar arrays, onsite facilities, access tracks and security fencing, as well as underground and/or overhead transmission lines along road reserves to the TransGrid Sub-station located approximately 1.5 km to the south west of the Site. The transmission line route forms part of the Proposed Development and heads along Old Racecourse Road, before passing through private property and under the Bruxner Highway to arrive at the current substation on Bellevue Road.

About The Project

The Tenterfield Solar Farm (TSF) proposes to generate electricity through the conversion of solar radiation to electricity using Photovoltaic (PV) panels laid out across the site in a series of modules, mounted on steel racks with piled, screwed or ballasted supports. The Tenterfield Solar Farm would add to secure, affordable and clean energy generation for the state of NSW whilst also contributing to the national Renewable Energy Target (RET) of 33,000 gigawatt hours by 2020.

Throughout its operation, the Tenterfield Solar Farm would allow for the continuity of grazing. Following the operational period, all above ground infrastructure would be removed from Site and will commence land rehabilitation to its pre-development state.

The proposed Tenterfield Solar Farm would have a capacity of up to 25 MW AC and include the development of:

  • PV modules
  • Central inverters
  • Fixed mounting systems on steel frames
  • An energy storage facility
  • Site office and maintenance building including monitoring container and parking
  • Transformers including ancillary equipment
  • Electrical cabling including overhead lines and underground electrical conduits
  • Security fence and cameras
  • Vegetation screen planting


Site Selection

The proposed Tenterfield site was selected due to its suitability for a solar farm and the limited environmental constraints identified based on:

  • Good solar irradiance
  • Low relief land
  • Close to major transport corridors (New England and Bruxner Highway)
  • Proximity to existing electrical infrastructure with Transgrid substation (1.5 km away) to avoid the need to add an additional substation
  • Limited impacts on residents located within 2 km of Site boundary
  • Minimal site disturbance proposed when using pile driven array mounts
  • Minimal long term impacts expected on agricultural capability.

Renewable Electricity Generation

The region has been identified as one of the best locations in NSW for the promotion and generation of renewable energy (NSW Department of Planning & Environment, 2017). The socioeconomic and environmental benefits of developing renewable energy sources, and transitioning to a low carbon future are large, providing potential benefits to entire communities and helping to maintain quality of life. Increased adoption of renewable energy sources will assist Australia to transition away from traditional carbon intensive energy production which is linked to atmospheric pollution and carbon emissions associated with climate change. Reduced carbon emissions have the potential to reverse or slow the effects of climate change, benefitting current and future generations.

Enerparc has designed a a community scale solar park which is sized to fit local energy needs. Electricity produced from the Site provides a clean power source for local and regional consumers in a cost-effective manner. With a 25 MW AC capacity and up to 32,180 kWp the solar farm will produce 52.45 GWH of clean renewable energy per year to the local electricity transmission network, providing enough energy to power up to 4,500 average homes each year. This would reduce up to 38,616 tonnes of CO2 per annum through the displacement of conventional electricity supply.

Other solar farms in the region includes Moree, with the potential to supply 24,000 homes and White Rock (Inverell) with projected supply of energy to 75,000 homes.



The Proposed Development would have an overall positive impact on the local and wider economy during the construction period. Construction will take up to 7 months and up to 100 staff during the peak time of construction will be required. The construction and decommissioning stages of the Proposed Development will generate the largest economic gain for the greatest number of people and businesses in adjoining LGAs. This is due to the hiring of a large temporary work force over these periods. Employment opportunities would involve concreting, earthworks, steel works and electrical cabling during construction, with demolition and removal during decommissioning.

Where practicable, Enerparc will source from local companies. Indirect employment opportunities would involve food industries, fuel, accommodation and other services that contractors coming to the area would require. Local employment opportunities will be generated, while additional workers from outside the region would stimulate the local economy through demand for accommodation, hospitality and retail services. A temporary influx of staff may lead to a small, but temporary, increase in pressure on local services, including accommodation.

Enerparc will liaise with relevant local representatives to maximise the benefits to the local economy, by recruiting contractors from the local area and implementing an informal ‘buy local’ practice where goods and services are purchased from local businesses, provided that they are competitive in terms of quality and price.


Tenterfield Solar Community Fund

  • During the operation of the solar farm, Enerparc will allocate $250 per MWp of installed solar capacity each financial year to deliver social and
    environmental benefits to the Tenterfield community.
  • We will seek expressions of interests from the community for the allocation of these funds and plan the fund accordingly
  • With the community fund, Enerparc seeks cooperation from local education providers in promoting the principles of sustainable development by subsidising equipment and apprenticeships.

Statement of Environmental Effects

The Statement Of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a required document to be submitted to council for the development application of Tenterfield Solar Farm. The SEE details the environmental impacts of a proposed development and outlines the steps taken to protect the environment and manage potential impacts.

The Tenterfield Solar Farm SEE as submitted by Enerparc Australia, can be viewed via the link below provided by Tenterfield Shire Council: 


Tenterfield Star

The Tenterfield Star local news has published an article featuring Tenterfield Solar Farm (19/6/19) which can be viewed via the link below:


Expected Timeline

  • Nov 2018 – first letters sent to adjacent residents seeking feedback
    and individual meetings
  • 3 Dec 2018 – Completion of Terrain model including visual impact and
    Completion of Assessment Reports including: Noise, Traffic, Environmental & Heritage
  • 6 Dec 2018 – Open day
  • Dec 2018 Project Presentation at Councillor workshop
  • Dec 2018 / Jan 2019 Submission Development Application
  • 13 Jun 2019 – Second Community Open day
  • Q2 2019 Referral to Joint Regional Planning Panel
  • Q3 2019 Connection Agreement with TransGrid
  • Q4 2019 Start of Construction Activities


Clean Energy Council Best Practice Charter

Enerparc is a member of CEC and has committed to honouring the Clean Energy Council’s Best Practice Charter in renewable energy developments and associated transmission infrastructure. The charter is a voluntary set of commitments that reflects our commitment to develop projects in a socially responsible way and designed to communicate the standards that the company will uphold in the development of current and new clean energy projects.